Documentation V1

Welcome To TickerTrends!

TickerTrends has set out to create the “Bloomberg Terminal” of alternative data by creating a customizable, dynamic and easy to use comprehensive service and platform. Most important of all, the platform is accessible providing a service that was previously reserved for billion dollar hedge funds to the masses.

We are excited for you to be a part of this amazing journey and community here at TickerTrends!

(The platform tutorial is currently in Beta! Please check back soon for new additions and improvements!)


We believe that documentation and tutorials are just as important if not more important than the platform itself! We highly-recommend reading through the entire documentation before using the platform.

The documentation is split into different sections:

  • Discover - (Find Opportunities)

  • Analyze - (Analyze Opportunities)

  • Categories - (Organize Data)

  • Manage - (Manage Data)

  • Tips And Tricks - (Become A Pro User)

If you ever have further questions or clarification not mentioned in the documentation, please do not hesitate to contact our live support and potentially set up a call.

Discover - (Find Opportunities)

The Discover section of the TickerTrends platform is the heart of identifying opportunities and abnormalities presented within the data being tracked.

The Discover section features four different customizable data-tables found below.

Ticker Ranking

The Ticker Ranking data-table allows users to rank tickers based on an aggregate of the tickers associated data.

By default on the Ticker Ranking data-table there are two preset formulas, “Crypto Formula” and “Stock Formula”. When you click on the name of the column, the datatable is ranked from high-low or low-high based on the values from these formulas.

A higher number generally means that this would be a stock or cryptocurrency to further analyze and research.

How do these formulas work?

Depending on the opportunity you would like to identify, there are different formulas that will better cater towards the goal you are looking to achieve.

For example, if I am looking for a stock that is performing abnormally well, I might want to take this data into account:

  • Search Term Trend Data

    • Google search term volume of terms related to a specific company and their products or sector.

  • Web Traffic Data

    • Historical web traffic of different websites related to the company and their products.

  • Price Data

    • If the stock price is in a general uptrend or is decorrelated from the broader market.

  • And More…

Formulas like this can be created through the “Custom Formula” section of the website which we will describe later in further detail.

Search Term Trends

The Search Term Trends data-table allows users to rank google search terms based on their performance to spot abnormal trends.

There are three default formulas on the Search Term Trends data-table:

  • 3 Month % Gain

    • Current value / value 3 months ago

  • 6 Month % Gain

    • Current value / value 6 months ago

  • YOY value

    • Current value / value 1 year ago

  • Custom

    • This is a “Custom Formula field which we will describe later in further detail.

When ranking search terms and looking for opportunities, users may find it helpful that the term is displayed in addition to the ticker that the term is associated with. For example if you find that “iPad” is performing abnormally well, then you will see that the term is associated with the company “AAPL” which you may want to further analyze.

Web Traffic

The Web Traffic data-table allows users to rank websites based on historical web traffic provided by SimilarWeb to spot abnormal trends.

There are three default formulas on the Web Traffic data-table:

  • 3 Month % Gain

    • Current value / value 3 months ago

  • 6 Month % Gain

    • Current value / value 6 months ago

  • YOY value

    • Current value / value 1 year ago

  • Custom

    • This is a “Custom Formula field which we will describe later in further detail.

When ranking websites and looking for opportunities, users may find it helpful that the term is displayed in addition to the ticker that the term is associated with. For example if you find that “” is performing abnormally well, then you will see that the term is associated with the company “AAPL” which you may want to further analyze.

Social Term Mentions

The Social Term Mentions data-table allows users to rank social terms based on their performance on Twitter to spot abnormal trends.

There are three default formulas on the Social Term Mentions data-table:

  • 3 Month % Gain

    • Current value / value 3 months ago

  • 6 Month % Gain

    • Current value / value 6 months ago

  • YOY value

    • Current value / value 1 year ago

  • Custom

    • This is a “Custom Formula field which we will describe later in further detail.

When ranking social terms and looking for opportunities, users may find it helpful that the term is displayed in addition to the ticker that the term is associated with. For example if you find that “apple store” is performing abnormally well, then you will see that the term is associated with the company “AAPL” which you may want to further analyze.

Analyze - (Analyze Opportunities)

The analyze portion of TickerTrends allows users to perform further research and analysis on terms found from the different “Discover” data-tables and features.

The Pro Chart is where a majority of this analysis will be done, however it is very feature rich in terms of what it is capable of.

The Twitter Chart is primarily for short term social analysis of current events such as news events, elections, announcements and more.

Pro Chart

When first landing on the pro chart, you will find a series of check-boxes and a search / dropdown box. The search / dropdown box is the selection field for the ticker you would like to analyze. In this case the ticker is “BTC”, however you can type and search for any ticker you like in this field.

Trend / Social / Web Single Data Chart

After a ticker is selected, you can check the box for any individual data you would like to analyze. In this example I enabled only the “trend” charts.

There will be individual “single data” charts for each trend term associated with the selected ticker. For each individual data chart there are options for:

  • Period

    • Time frame shown on the chart.

  • Moving Average

    • Smoothing the data (the higher the value the more smoothed the data is). This is helpful for choppy data. 5 moving average is recommended for “Trend”. 30-60 moving average for “Social”. 15-60 moving average for “Web”.

  • YOY checkbox

    • Charts the YOY calculation over time (Current value / value 1 year ago). Useful for quarterly analysis.

If I enable multiple checkboxes at the same time, such as “trend” and “social” the individual data charts will still show in a list for all “trend” and “social” values, the same will occur for “web”.

Enabling “Tickers” will show a price chart of the ticker above the other single data charts as seen below.

“Pro” Checkbox

When the “Pro” checkbox is enabled, the Pro Chart page will transform into a single chart featuring price data and the ability to plot any of the associated tickers data on the chart.

Enabling “Trend”, “Social” and “Web” will affect which data is displayed on the “Pro” chart. One of these must be enabled when using the “Pro” chart.

Initially, only 2 data sets will be plotted on the chart, users are able to control which data sets are displayed by enabling / disabling data sets with the “eye” icon next to the data sets name below the chart.

In addition to enabling / disabling view, you are able to control the moving average and toggle the YOY calculation (the same as the single data chart) for each data set.

5 moving average is recommended for “Trend”. 30-60 moving average for “Social”. 15-60 moving average for “Web”.

Above the Pro chart, there are different options such as:

  • Period

    • Time frame shown on the chart.

  • Extra Data

    • Add data not associated with the ticker to the chart. For example I can add “samsung phone” to the chart for “AAPL”, to compare how samsung sales are correlated to “AAPL” performance.

  • Correlation

    • Plot the correlation coefficient to either “BTC” for crypto or “SPY” for stocks. This is helpful to identify a divergence in price action from a broader market index.

  • Period

    • Period selection for the correlation calculation. A higher value will provide a smoother historical calculation plot.

Twitter Chart

The Twitter Chart is limited in period (it is able to display a maximum of 7 days worth of data), however it is able to do this with an hourly frequency.

This is helpful for short term social analysis. Recommended applications can be, election / political research, news events, launches, trendy topics.

In the image above the two data values plotted are “vote trump” and “vote biden”.

Below the two data values plotted are “APT” and “aptos”. At the time of the image this was a new cryptocurrency with substantial news and discussion surrounding it causing the price to increase substantially. Short term Twitter data is helpful in identifying community sentiment and or any decreases in discussion potentially causing the cryptocurrency to start to decrease in price.

To use the Twitter chart, you must enter your two desired values and press the “search” button. Currently the date may not go beyond 7 days.

Categories - (Organize Data)

The “Edit Category” and currently selected category can be found on the top right of any page on the TickerTrends platform.

A “category” is a selection of tickers and their associated data. For example, there are three default categories:

  • Stock - Stock Tickers

  • Cryptocurrency - Cryptocurrency Tickers

  • Sector - Custom Tickers representing different sectors

In the green section below there are three options:

  • Add Category - Create a new category

  • Delete Category - Delete an existing category

  • Set Category - Set the currently selected category

If I select the “crypto” category as seen above, then the blue section will show the tickers in that category and the red section will show the tickers not selected within that category. If “Set Category” is clicked then it will select “crypto” as my category on the TickerTrends platform.

When a category is selected, you will only see tickers and data from that category on different parts of the website such as the Analyze and Discover sections. In addition if you add data or new tickers when a category is selected, it will be automatically associated with said category.

There are many potential use cases for categories, one example is the default “Sector” category.

As seen above the “Sector” category is a group of custom tickers such as “agriculture” and “education” with associated data that is related to these sectors.

Manage - (Manage Data)

The “Manage” section includes the “Popular Terms”, “Tickers” and “Settings” pages.

The Popular Terms page allows you to easily add data and tickers to your account based on what is popular with other users on the TickerTrends platform.

The Tickers page is the central hub for managing terms and data on your TickerTrends account.

The Settings page includes basic account settings.

Popular Terms

The “Popular Terms” data-table is an easy way to discover new data that other users are analyzing. Listed in the data-table are all currently tracked terms on the platform including terms not added to any Ticker on your account.

You are able to add the data and Ticker to your account by clicking the “Add” button in the blue box.

A unique column on the Popular Data-table is the Frequency column highlighted in yellow. The frequency column represents the number of users who have that data added to their account.


The Tickers page allows you to customize the Tickers and Data on your account. On the left, there is a list of the Tickers that are associated with the currently selected category. When a Ticker is selected, the data field will be populated with data currently associated with that Ticker. In this case the “BTC” Ticker was selected and terms such as “bitcoin” are seen on the right.

When a data value is selected, in this example “bitcoin”, the suggested terms section is populated with suggested terms based on the selected term. This is ranked by search volume. Here we can see that “bitcoin price” is one of the highest volume related terms for bitcoin.

Adding Tickers

When you click the “ADD +” button in the Tickers section a popup will appear. The green section seen above is a dropdown with the options:

  • Stock

  • Cryptocurrency

  • Forex

  • Custom

This is “Ticker Type” and is needed for price data. If the incorrect “Ticker Type” is selected, there will be no price data available for the ticker.

The “Custom” Ticker Type is for tickers without price data. An example is the “Agriculture” ticker such as the one that is in the “Sectors” category.

When the “Save New Ticker” button is clicked the Ticker will be added to the Tickers list.

Adding Data

When the blue “ADD +” button is selected in the Data section the popup above will appear.

In the red section you are able to select the Ticker you would like to add associated data to. To the right of the red section you can enter the data value. In the green section you can select the data type for this data value. In this case is a web value that I am adding to the “BTC” ticker.

When the save button is clicked, the request to get the data will be sent to the server where it will be collected and will eventually populate on your account.

There are options to add “Web”, “Social” and “Trend” data to any Ticker through this popup.

In addition there is an advanced data import feature which is explained further on the “Template Spreadsheet” in the link above the drop or attach files section highlighted in yellow.

Using Suggested Terms

When a data value is selected the suggested terms box will populate with the highest popularity related terms to the selected term. In this case “bitcoin” is selected and suggested terms can be seen in the green box.

If you would like to add a suggested term to the associated ticker, you are able to select the type (trend, social, web) and click the add button which will automatically add the suggested term to the selected ticker. For example if I want to add “bitcoin price” as a trend term, I can click the add button and it will add “bitcoin price” to “BTC” as a trend term.

Tips And Tricks - (Become A Pro User)


Ranking Data

Analyzing Data

Managing Data

Additional Support

My name is Adrien, the founder of TickerTrends. The TickerTrends platform is constantly evolving and we understand that even with thorough documentation and examples you may still have questions which is why I would like to open direct communication through our live chat, my email or a video call.

Last updated