TickerTrends Tiers
Feature Access by Tier:
Free Tier ($0/month):
Limited API access via TickerTrends purchasable API credits (raw API access only available at Enterprise tier)
Platform discord access
Platform Preview/Walkthrough via Tutorial
Pro ($19/month) includes everything in Free plus:
Fully unlocked access to over 25,000+ global tickers
Ticker price data
Alternative Data Chart (Up to 3 concurrent series)
Exploding Trends (first 10 pages)
Google Search Trends, Website Traffic, and TikTok data types
Google Trends Individual Chart Mode for more search data filtering for historical time period, category, and region granularity
Max ($89/month) includes everything in Pro plus:
Subdomain website data (e.g. /cart or /login data!)
Amazon, Wikipedia, and iOS/Android Mobile App data types
SEO data
Ticker Discover Page access (filter on specific financial/alternative data criteria on over 25,000+ tickers)
TickerTrends Website Traffic (5 years historical)
Alternative Data Chart (Up to 10 concurrent series)
Alternative data alerts (Up to 10) (Example alert: automatically reminds user when tesla.com website traffic is growing >20% on a 30d moving average basis)
Increased search granularity on Google Trends types (view weekly data on a 5 year view, but get daily data for the last 3 month snippet window to see very short term trends)
Priority support (team is very responsive to feedback!)
Enterprise (Contact us for pricing: admin@tickertrends.io) everything in Max plus:
Social Blade social following data (Instagram Followers, TikTok followers, YouTube followers)
Unlimited Exploding Trends charts (thousands of pages of abnormal performance in consumer keywords we track for tickers)
Automated ticker-to-term relations for these abnormal Exploding Trends keywords
Unlimited Alternative Data Charts in one view
Unlimited Alternative data alerts
Coverage of thousands of global Private Companies as well as Public
Enterprise Dashboard (add widgets to create tracking pages for companies or sectors as outlined later in the documentation in Enterprise Section tab)
Clusters Page (automated sector discovery tool to save you time in analysis)
Social Discover Page (short term social media interactions data on entire corpus of tracked phrases.. discover social media trends and news as soon as they happens, updated on an hourly basis)
Gen AI automatic Enterprise Page building (e.g. typing in "running shoes" on the Enterprise Dashboard will automatically use a customized Gen AI model to do research on the shoe market and add all relevant keyword search trends automatically to the page)
Gen AI Trend Lab (e.g. "Add search trends for $LLY's largest products".. will add "mounjaro", "trulicity", "zepbound", and more without you needing to do an ounce of research yourself).
First access to our constantly, evolving and improving new datasets such as Baidu Search data (contact us for details)
Access to (2) hours of training calls.. we are happy to answer any questions you may have on how to use alternative data and how it will be helpful in your market analysis strategy. The TickerTrends Enterprise platform has been custom designed to save analysts 100's of hours of time doing research. We do the hard work for you and make ticker discovery and analysis easy.
Last updated