1.3 Watchlist Screener
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The Watchlist Screener page is designed to show users all of their own added terms all in one view. If you don't know how to "Quick Add" a keyword yet, please refer to the "Dynamic Chart" tab of Section 2.2 Analyze first.
The "Data Type" section lets users view all the terms they added filtered by specific data source.
The "Moving Average" lets users apply a moving average to data values shown in the table before calculating the columns.
The table itself shows the columns "Ticker", "Value", "3 Month %", "6 Month %", and "YOY".
The Ticker and Value columns are what the user has Quick Added to their active watchlist.
The other columns are calculated based on the following formulas:
3 Month % : latest daily raw value / 3 months ago daily raw value expressed as a percentage.
6 Month % : latest daily raw value / 6 months ago daily raw value expressed as a percentage.
YOY : latest daily raw value / one year ago daily raw value expressed as a percentage.
Changing the Moving Average applies the chosen trailing n day moving average to the daily raw data and then shows the percent change. We recommend applying a moving average as it smooths out noisy daily data and helps capture trends better.