How to Start - Search for Tickers or Terms
Users can simply type any company or keyword and the dashboard will populate firstly with “Related Symbols”. The "Related Symbols" section attempts to show the most similar stocks to the inputted search term or ticker. Choosing between the "Exchanges" options will filter which related symbols are shown to the users. TickerTrends offers 10,000's of stocks from all across the globe. If a user only wants to view US-based companies for example they can click the "US" instead of "All" default setting. This lets users see similar companies/ideas to what they searched without needing to previously input or even know about the related symbols shown, exposing them to new areas for analysis if they wanted to explore. Below, we type "coconut water" and then we show "$CELH" ticker. This illustrates the versatility of the search bar.
We see that users see results for whatever they search. We call the Analyze Page the "Google Search of Alternative Data" for this reason. Without knowing anything about "coconut water" for example users can see the most related public companies.
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