Interval & Avg Mode
Next, notice the "Interval" text box. By "Default" all values are daily. Users now have the option to group data into aggregates based on "Weekly", "Monthly", and "Quarterly" groups. This makes comparing data to the comparable week, month or quarter last year easier, very useful for earnings projections.
Notice the last value which is semi-shaded out. This is the incomplete value for the current week/month/quarter. It essentially projects the current rate of the chosen keywords search volume and projects that rate into what that search interest is trending towards.
If the user is in "Compound" mode, the "Avg Mode" option on the top right side can also be selected to create a synthetic line averaging multiple selected ovals into one as such:
This average only incorporates the overlapping values. For example, if one keyword has data up till 7/17 while the other one goes until 7/23, the last values on 7/17 would be averaged and shown as the last point on the single averaged trend line.
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