Dynamic Chart
The Dynamic Chart is where users go to visualize the bulk of their preferred alternative data values and data sources. After the user decides whether they want "Compound" or "Individual" modes as discussed above, users can now understand more about the Dynamic Chart.
As shown before, users simply need to select the keywords and data sources already curated for them if they want to visualize data.
If a term you want to look up or link to a company you've saved to your watchlist is not there, rest assured, you can "Quick Add" the term to your account!
Scrolling down, the "Quick Add" option is now right below.
For example, we see there aren't great options available for Tiktok values relating to Celsius ( $CELH ), so it might be worthwhile to add some. Navigate down and select the corresponding "Type" and "Value" to add the keyword to the stock on your account.
The value after adding will automatically display on the Dynamic Chart assuming it has a minimum threshold of hashtag volume. If you unselect a term you've added, it shows up purple. Selected terms currently in display show up light green, while auto-generated keywords TickerTrends generated show up gray.
Next, notice the "Extra Data" section. It shows users a corpus of additional terms a user can add to the Dynamic Chart. First, they see the popup all of all terms they can visualize on the Dynamic Chart.
Then, the user can type in a competitor they want to research against the company they searched for example. Let's say they want to view Urban Outfitters vs Lululemon.
It is important to note that adding "Extra Data" terms will not save to your keywords linked to the stock ticker you are analyzing. In this case, "urbanoutfitters.com" will not save to the users $LULU saved watchlist ticker whereas terms added on "Quick Add" below will save to the users account.
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