1.3 Data Screener

The Data Screener shows users their added terms and associated data by Data Type. As shown below, if users want to, they can focus on a specific Data Type of their liking and see all their added tickers in a clean data format to stay organized with their analysis.

There are three default formulas on the Term Screener data-table are :

  • 3 Month % Gain

    • Current value / value 3 months ago

  • 6 Month % Gain

    • Current value / value 6 months ago

  • YOY value

    • Current value / value 1 year ago

If a user chooses “Google Trends” for example, they can see all the “Trend” type values they have added on their TickerTrends' accounts as such:

The “Moving Average” section lets users update the “3 Month %”, “6 Month %”, and “YOY” columns with data smoothed by the chosen moving average.

The new data values in the rows when "Moving Average" is calculated by the following formulas:

  • 3 Month %

    • User selected trailing X day moving average value / trailing X day moving average value 3 months ago

  • 6 Month %

    • User selected trailing X day moving average value / trailing X day moving average value 6 months ago

  • YOY

    • User selected trailing X day moving average value / trailing X day moving average value 12 months ago

The “Filter” button on the top right side, allows users to filter the rows shown by specific values they want to see in the row data displayed. For example, they can use the slider to only see terms growing year-over-year by using the slider to adjust the bottom of the range to 100.

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